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Put up the sail of the Lord, making me your center
Put up my sail in your thoughts, so that you won’t waver
You and I, let us now be one
Raise the sail of my thoughts, planting them firmly within your life

Put up the sail of the King, serving God Almighty
Put up the sail of the King, while the fair wind’s blowing
Seize your chance! Make my fortune yours!
Raise the sail~ and fly into the presence of God

Let’s go on, with the sail of the King, powerfully forward we go
Let’s go on, with the wings of the King, higher and higher we fly!
And the waves of the world are-nothing at all, ‘cause we have the sail of the Lord!
With the rapture that’s left, let’s-fly on my wings to the skies

Let’s soar with eagle’s wings, through the skies forever
Put up my wings on your mast, let us fly now, higher!
Free your mind! Empty out your thoughts!
With the wings of the Lord, powerfully rise and break free!

Let’s go on, with the sail of the King, powerfully forward we go
Let’s go on, with the wings of the King, higher and higher we fly!
And the waves of the world are-nothing at all, ‘cause we have the sail of the Lord!
With the rapture that’s left, let’s-fly on my wings to the skies

Raise the sa-il, of our Savior; I will fly up, like an eagle
Wind and waves will, never stop me; I will press on, overcoming
Holy Spirit, push me forward; victory is, now before me
With the Lord I’m, on the voyage of rapture!

Let’s go on, with the sail of the King, powerfully forward we go
Let’s go on, with the wings of the King, higher and higher we fly!
And the waves of the world are-nothing at all, ‘cause we have the sail of the Lord!
With the rapture that’s left, let’s-fly on my wings to the skies

Let’s go on, fix your eyes on the goal, powerfully raising my sail!
Call on me, seeking me everyday; victory’s calling your name!
I will be by your side, giving you strength, I give all my blessings to you
Let’s press on ‘til the end, fulfilling the purpose of God

Let’s press on ‘til the end, fulfilling the purpose of God
We’ll press on ‘til the end, raising the sail of the King

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